Excess fat and skin in the abdominal area is one of the most common concerns of our patients when they visit us here at our Cleveland plastic surgery practice. For such concerns, we often recommend an abdominoplasty procedure, popularly known as a tummy tuck. Dr. Totonchi is an experienced and trusted Cleveland area tummy tuck surgeon. As a body-contouring type of surgery, a tummy tuck is designed to create a firmer and flatter midsection to help restore an aesthetically balanced abdominal contour on your end.
How soon can I exercise?
This question is frequently asked by our patients post-tummy tuck. While diet and exercise after surgery is crucial to keeping your tummy taut and well-toned, it’s important to understand the limitations and risks associated with physical activity days and weeks after your surgery. In addition, timing is another key factor that you need to consider when engaging in physical activity following a tummy tuck.
Although energy levels will vary from one patient to another during recovery, the 4th to 6th week following surgery is the best time to engage in cardiovascular type of exercises such as speed walking, elliptical training, and jogging at a moderate pace. On the other hand, weight lifting may be gradually reintroduced on the 6th week following surgery as weights can put a significant strain on your sutures and incisions. If you want to engage in physical activity within 4 weeks after surgery, you can take regular walks on a level surface.
Two months following your tummy tuck, you can already perform almost all types of exercises except for abdominal crunches which are not recommended until you hit the 6th month mark or as advised by Dr. Totonchi.
The Takeaway
The takeaway here is to let your body guide you if you want to exercise after a tummy tuck. Be careful not to do too much as complications may arise which could delay healing.
If you would like to learn more about a tummy tuck and which techniques are suitable for your needs and preferences, get in touch with us today by calling 216–778–2262 for a personal consultation with Dr. Totonchi. You can also choose to fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!