Also Serving in Westlake, and Lyndhurst, OH
What is craniosynostosis?
Dr. Ali Totonchi offers his expertise for treatment of his craniosynostosis patients in Cleveland, Westlake & Lyndhurst. Craniosynostosis is a type of birth defect where one or more of the sutures in between a child’s skull closes before the brain is fully developed. When this happens, the patient’s brain will not achieve its natural shape and the head will develop misshaped.
It is quite common for newborns to have a misshapen head, which can be caused, by its position in the womb or by the pressure in the birth canal during delivery or other causes. In these instances, it should begin to regain a normal shape a couple of days after birth. A child’s brain grows rapidly after birth, which is why the skull should be able to accommodate this change. Craniosynostosis causes the brain to grow in different directions and change the shape of the skull.
Patients who have craniosynostosis will require surgery to separate the bone and reshape the skull. If the condition hasn’t caused any brain abnormalities, then the brain will have sufficient space to grow and develop after craniosynostosis surgery is performed.
What are the symptoms for a child with craniosynostosis?
Most head shape deformities are not due to craniosynostosis, and proper evaluation is required to differentiate between craniosynostosis and other causes of head shape deformities not requiring surgery but still needing treatment. We advise parents to watch out for the following signs that could possibly mean that their children have craniosynostosis. These signs may not yet be apparent during the child’s birth, but will be more noticeable in a few months, although most of infants with head deformities are identified and evaluated by their pediatrician and referred to plastic surgeon or pediatric neurosurgeon for further evaluation.
What is the treatment for craniosynostosis?
Because of the variations in presentation of the disease and symptoms associated with craniosynostosis patient’s need to be evaluated jointly by a pediatric neurosurgeon and plastic surgery teams.
Traditionally, craniosynostosis is treated via an incision on the infant’s scalp to access the cranial bones. The skull will be reshaped using sutures and sometimes using resorbable plates.
Give us a call today at (440) 461-7999 for more information about craniosynostosis in Cleveland, OH or click here to shcedule an appointment.